Writer. Celebrant.


Hi, I’m Heidi.

My writing explores often-overlooked places and people, finding beauty and meaning in the messiness of life.

My lived experiences ripple through my work, and consequently, I write about everything from photosynthesis to cancer, adoption, fairy tales, and medieval mystics.  I value seeing with our hearts, coming to the page with sadness that is not sentimental, and reverence for the sacred.

I was co-editor of the (M)othering Anthology, recognized by CBC in 2022, and a twice finalist for the Brenda Strathern Award.

I teach in the University of Calgary’s Continuing Education Creative Writing Program, mentoring and editing students’ manuscripts in their capstone course.

Alongside my writing, I officiate memorial services and celebrations of life, love kayaking, walking in pine forests and the smell of cedar, and finding flowers in unlikely places.
